On 11th July 2017 Children Literature Festival team organized a story telling and Origami session in Children Library Complex. The story which was chosen was from the book Asian Splendour (Folk Tales) from Asia. The title was “Dost and Dushman”. The children along with their parents attended this session. Both parents and children found this interactive storytelling and Origami session very interesting and unique.
On 5th July 2017 the ChildrenLiteratureFestival team Punjab comprising of NidaAlam (the story teller) and Mr. InamIllahi who is the Art and Calligraphy Specialist conducted a story telling and Origami session in one of the LSK (Life Skills for Kids) School in NiazBeg, Lahore where children who were working as rag pickers have been enrolled for quality education opportunities. The duration of the session was 2 hours. Where the students’age ranged from six (6) to twelve (12) years. The book which was chosen was “BhooliBisri Sunni Sunai”written by Rumana Husain and published by CLF-OUP. It has different folklore long forgotten stories. The storyteller asked the children to pick one and they chose “Julahay Ki ChukChuk”.